WLA Coachathon Event Programme

Here's what's happening on Wednesday 18th November:

Interactive panels with leaders and coaches from across the world;

Speakers on leadership and career topics;

We even have a Gong and Sound Bath to chillax to!

Panel Debates

Interact with our leadership and coach experts. Ask questions and be inspired by their stories.

Career & Leadership Talks

Take away practical advice and guidance to propel your career and your leadership

MicroLoan Foundation

Find out more about this wonderful charity empowering women in Africa.


Sign Up Here:

You'll receive details of how to book onto the paid and complimentary sessions.

This is a totally unique opportunity to develop further in your field by the guidance of coaching leaders around the world. Broaden your potential and make a great contribution to help other women achieve a great life for themselves.

Agenda: Wednesday 18th November 2020 (GMT)

0800 - 0830

Welcome to the Coachathon!

Sandra Pinnington, Founder of the Women Leaders Association (WLA)

Medha Wilson, Group CEO of MicroLoan Foundation

Malin Rosenkvist, Director of Fundraising and Communications at MicroLoan Foundation

1000 - 1045

Leadership & Performance Panel Discussion

Jeffrey Edwards, Marina Jankovic and Andrew Wood

1200 - 1245

7 Career Attitudes for Long Term Success

Sandra Pinnington

1400 -1445

Wellbeing & Resilience Panel Discussion

Geeta Sidhu-Robb, Nadine Moussa and Vittoria Zipoli-Caiani

1600 - 1645

'Finding Your Why'

Dr Mick Jackson

1700- 1745

Leadership and Gender Panel Discussion

Adrienne Washington, Phil Pinto and Grace Noonan-Kaye, hosted by Steve Mark

2000 - 2100

Sound Therapy Session

Gabriela Bocanete

Meet the Experts on the Day....

Dr Mick Jackson

How to find your Why

Sandra Pinnington

7 Career Attitudes for Long Term Success

Gabriela Bocanete

Sound Therapy Session

Andrew Wood

Leadership & Performance Panel

Geeta Sidhu-Robb

Wellbeing & Resilience Panel

Marina Jankovic

Leadership & Performance Panel

Nadine Moussa

Wellbeing & Resilience Panel

Jeffrey Edwards

Leadership & Performance Panel

Vittoria Zipoli Caiani

Wellbeing & Resilience Panel

Adrienne Washington

Leadership & Gender Panel

Phil Pinto

Leadership & Gender Panel

Grace Noonan-Kaye

Leadership & Gender Panel


Sign Up Here:

You'll receive details of how to book onto the paid and complimentary sessions.

This is a totally unique opportunity to develop further in your field by the guidance of coaching leaders around the world. Broaden your potential and make a great contribution to help other women achieve a great life for themselves.


What if I want to book a Coaching Session on the day?

Check out all the details here: https://sandragreen.lpages.co/wla-coachathon/

Are the events free?

The panel events are completely free. There is a small charge to hear the other speakers of just £12 per session.

Can I make an extra donation?

Yes! Please click on this link.

The WLA working with
MicroLoan Foundation

Sandra Pinnington, Founder of the WLA, recently joined the Women’s Development Board for Microloan Foundation. Sandra was completely inspired by the charity as it touched a lot of her values and aspirations for a world where women are equal in society. The charity raises women out of extreme poverty by giving them hope and a life line to change their lives. To enable them to put food back on the table, keep their children in education and make a difference to their lives and their communities. In western cultures, we often take so much for granted. Together with Microloan Foundation, a little really does go a long way.

Meet Jane


In Malawi more than 70% of the population live in extreme poverty. They struggle to feed their family, send their children to school and take them to the doctor when they fall ill.

Jane knows exactly how that feels. She lives in a small village in Malawi and was just 17 when she had her first child. The pressure of being a young parent soon intensified when she and her husband divorced. She was left to raise their two young daughters on her own. Living in a remote rural area where employment opportunities are extremely limited, Jane struggled to provide even the basics like food and shelter. The family often went to bed hungry.

As the sole provider Jane strived to find a way to redefine her family’s future. She dreamt of life with more choices for her daughters. Jane joined a MicroLoan Foundation loan group and her life began to transform.

Learn more about MicroLoan Foundation

A little goes a very long way

Just £25,
will help a woman in Africa start her own business.

All proceeds to be donated to MicroLoan.

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